
Our Process


We begin all of our relationships by going through The Cambridge Advisors Personalized A.I.M System. Our comprehensive investment management process looks at each client's unique situation and develops a customized solution to help the client achieve their specific financial goals.


  • Assess and Analyze

    First, we assess and analyze the client's unique situation looking at factors such as time horizon, tax bracket, types of accounts, resources and investment experience.  We also discuss their  goals and needs for their accounts along with any preferences or limitations for the account.  From the information gathererd, we create and update the Investment Policy Statement which provides guidelines on how the portfolio should be invested.

  • Implement

    Next, we develop and implement a custom-tailored investment plan.  We do not use model stock portfolios or proprietary investment funds so each client has an investment portfolio unique to them that is dependent on factors in their Investment Policy Statement as well as when they became a client.  The investment plan may be implemented immediately or gradually over time depending on the client and their situation. 

  • Monitor and Make adjustments

    Then, on an ongoing basis, we monitor and make adjustments to the portfolio and the investment plan as needed.  We meet with the client periodically to review progress and keep the plans current with life events such as career change, retirement, death of a spouse, birth of children or grandchildren, or even changes in risk tolerance.  These events trigger the process to restart.


Our advisors form the investment committee and are actively involved in the research functions of the firm as well as the portfolio management functions. We make our own investment decisions internally rather than rely on a "buy list" from a parent company or Wall Street third party. Therefore, our recommendations and investment decisions are free from conflicts of interest.

The investment committee meets three times a week to discuss the economy, the markets, and securities we currently own or are considering buying. We gather information from a wide variety of sources for analysis and utilize state of the art research tools. All advisors thoroughly understand the fundamentals of the securities they are buying and selling in the client portfolios they are managing.

The advisor implements the recommendations of the investment committee as appropriate for each client.


In an era when many investment managers seem intent on trying to create one-size-fits-all investment strategies and products, we have kept our focus on providing a high caliber of personalized investment management services. Each client account is managed separately from other client accounts. Our portfolios are customized to each client so that we respect risk tolerance levels and return expectations.

When structuring portfolios, we consider several factors. First, we take into account the client's investment policy statement. Second, we strive to build a diversified portfolio. Third, based on current market conditions and our future outlook, we emphasize areas where we see higher growth potential. Within this framework we build a portfolio that reflects each client's specific constraints including liquidity issues, investment horizon, government regulations, tax implications and unique needs.

While we are not "market-timers" we do recognize that the risk/reward relationship of the various asset classes will change over time. Asset allocations are adjusted to reflect our outlook of future growth opportunities and risk levels as well as the client's needs. Factors such as equity valuations and interest rate levels may influence asset allocations. When equity valuations and/or interest rates are at historically high levels it may encourage a shift in asset allocation in favor of fixed income securities. When equity valuations and/or interest rates are at historically low levels it may encourage a shift in favor of equity securities. Most changes in asset allocation due to market factors are gradual.


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